Domain Names
What is a domain name? A domain name is a web address. You need a web address in order to have a live website on the internet. How much does a domain name cost? Nearly all domain names cost NZ$33.00 + GST per year. Domain names are charged annually
How do I get a domain name?
If you already have a Web Widgets trial website, login to your Content Management area and click on Step 3 Register Your Web Address.
How do I transfer my domain name?
Basically you need to obtain your secret authorisation code or UDAI from your existing registrar. The full process is explained here.
How do I send emails using my new domain name?
Here are brief instructions on how to setup a new reply address in outlook express
Renewing my domain
You will be sent an email from your domain registry reminding you your domain is up for renewal. You should then pay.
How do I retrieve a lapsed domain?
There is no grace period for .com domains. There is, however, a grace period in which you can renew a domain. Contact your domain registrar and pay to renew it.
Then send an email to, telling us you've renewed your
Transferring your website away from Web Widgets
Please let us know when you have completed the transfer away from Web Widgets. You will still be liable for hosting fees until you let us know.
If you registered or transferred a .nz domain to our registry, then you need to email us and ask for your UDAI, then email us again once you have completed the transfer. If you don't host with us, it is better to move your domain to your new hosting company's preferred registry.
You can also fetch your UDAI by logging in to our CMS.
Fraudulent domain invoices.
Do not pay for domain name invoices sent from anyone other than ourselves or your ISP or the place you originally purchased your domain name. Especially be aware of anyone invoicing you for a variation of your domain, eg .net rather than .com or .n
Viruses, Blaster Worm
Here is the information to protect your computer from the Blaster Worm. You will know you have this virus if your computer keeps reporting errors with svchost.exe You should also setup a firewall. PSS Security Response Team Alert - New Worm: W32.Bl
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How well are product items search engine optimised? Our SEO is very good... a perfect balance of easy to update, while
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Webmail - How do I check my email from abroad
If you have an email account provided by Web Widgets, then you will also have an automatic webmail account